Frictionless freedom of location & finance.

— by the profound author Oleg Efimov

Acute Line Digital Book is designed to help people to achieve their dream results in the areas of personal finance and becoming a digital nomad.

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Acute Line No.1 Bestseller

"Quite motivational! Intellectually stimulating ideas!"

The revenue from the book distribution is directed by a fraction to help scale emerging CO₂ removal technologies from the atmosphere.

The Focused Agents' Opinions:


"The book presents a unique and liberating perspective targeted at a specific audience—digital nomads. The author's dedication and hard work are evident, portraying the process as a transformative journey. Oleg's emphasis on freeing oneself from unnecessary data and societal constructs is powerful! The author's enthusiasm and dedication shine through, making the journey to declutter and embrace a minimalist digital lifestyle captivating."

Writer, Blogger

"A great detailed book that explains step by step how to build the best online business and become a full time digital nomad. The guide I was looking for, happy to implement these precious advices and start my own journey."


You’ll find in this book

From constructing the philosophical mindset to guiding you through the process of digital decluttering.

Figuring out all of your contents and complexities in life will identify what is holding you back in your life.

The book will explain to you how to build the online business and become a full time digital nomad. Setup financial independence strategy and implement the practical solutions.

And start to travel the world indefinitely!

Print length
1,893 pages
Created by the
Acute Line Studio
File size + Audio Book
1.51 GB
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What readers say:

"The book really presents a diverse range of ideas and topics, touching upon subjects such as NFTs, sustainable living, Airbnb strategies, and the intersection of technology and lifestyle choices! Explores various contemporary topics, including sustainability/eco-friendliness, travel, and data-driven decision-making. It offers us valuable insights and perspectives via the author’s direct and entertaining style. "


"In general, the book projects the distinctive perspective that sparked joy with me due to its alignment with my own experience on UpWork as a Freelancer. I saw similar challenges I have encountered regarding the types of jobs available on the platform and the associated earnings. Oleg presented numerous examples effectively to enhance my comprehension. The ideas resonated strongly with me. And provided a fresh angle in alignment with the precise intent of becoming the full time freelancer."

Marcelle G.

"There are valuable pieces of advice that are provided in this book. The advice provided equips you with a better understanding of how to navigate many different aspects of life, but most importantly the digital nomad lifestyle. My favourite part are the personal reflections, which help to bring the abstract thoughts to real life."


"Once I have started reading the book, I felt an instant connection. It was as if I was talking to a friend. The narrative is a captivating blend of personal experiences, professional growth, and reflections on the digital nomad lifestyle. The storytelling effectively conveys the idea that the journey matters as much as the destination, resonating with anyone on a quest for the purpose and creativity. It is a great book!"

Sarah Shabbir

"This book isn't your typical finance guidе. it's more like having a chat with a friend who's bееn through a lot. Wе'vе all bееn there,  dreaming of financial independence. But what rеally hookеd mе was how the author mixеs their personal experiences with practical advice. Thеsе topics might sound complicated,  but the author breaks them down in a way that makes them accessible to all of us.  Plus,  they toss in somе real-life stories about their own failures and successes,  rеminding us that the road to financial freedom has its bumps. Speaking of failures,  the author does not shy away from discussing their missteps.  It's like they are saying,  "Hеy,  wе all mess up somеtimеs,  and it is normal.  Learn from it and kееp moving forward. " It's this honеsty that makes the book fееl like an honest,  cosy chat over coffee with a trustеd friend."


“It’s an inspiring novel that doesn’t convolute words or hide the truth, but shows you something what you need, even if you didn’t know it yourself. It was a thrill of a story, and makes you feel like anything impossible is actually possible. Just fantastic!”


"I recently had the pleasure of reading “The Last Frontier” chapter and I must say, it's an exceptional book that deserves a solid 5-star. The book explores innovative concepts like the "Black System" to accelerate the transition from traditional office work to a digital nomad lifestyle. It emphasizes the psychological impact of restructuring one's life, showcasing how small changes can lead to significant transformations. With personal experiences, practical advice, and a focus on information design and technology, the book empowers readers to break free from limitations and pursue their dreams in the digital age. Reading this book was truly worthwhile, and it's one I intend to revisit multiple times in the future."


"I have had an insight to this book and it is  impressive. “An exhilarating and uplifting book that ignites a fire within, driving you to turn the page after a page with wondrous anticipation. It's a captivating journey that always leaves you with wanting more.”

Enemosah E.

"The book's personal touch to share author's own experience instantly inspired me. Especially the choice of staying in an Airbnb into a data-driven approach to financial growth. Emphasised in gathering and data use in science derived decisions. Whilst in the campaign on exit and the enter for timeline with calculations in both business returns and expense metrics is the real value to go for financial prosperity in life. I found it eye-opening. The emphasis on gathering and using data resonated deeply with me. It feels like a test of time before it will become the mainstream lifestyle. The author's own path, which effortlessly combines the nomadic principles to fund their lifestyle, exemplifies the limitless opportunities. So, if you're seeking a resource that not only imparts valuable knowledge but also stirs the adventurer within you this book is a must-read. It's a roadmap to embracing the digital nomad lifestyle, backed by real-world examples and the wealth of practical insights for financial literacy."

Michaela Vlčejová
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FroM the author

Oleg Efimov

— Acute Line Studio CEO

I always wanted to travel the world and find the solution. I have been stuck for years before. And dreaming of the financial success.

Once I have realised I can create the online company the whole world has turned upside down for me. And I just tapped into the new life. I have build the financial asset of 100K relatively quickly. And optimised myself for a focused investment strategy. Giving me the ability to freely dream beyond my imagination.

By the principle I have applied the unconventional approach to be living a life of options and the financial prosperity. And went on to travel the world with the laptop sustainably. I have decided to write this book so you can do it too.

And start living your dream.

Cheers, Oleg

1 book
1 Language
1M+ likes
SPECIAL edition

Acute Line Digital Book

— Acute Line Digital Book is designed to help people to achieve their dream results in the areas of personal finance and becoming a digital nomad.